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ios 7 vs android

it been a while since i updating my blog right.. and for some reason, wth is going on with my language? haha.. actually this is the first time im updating it with this band 1 according to MUET standard.. kui3.. for ur info, band 1 is the lowest grade and 6 is the best if im not mistaken.. so u know what i mean, hehehe.. if u all my lovely reader not understand what i try to deliver with this entry, i'm not gonna blame u, because maybe me myself not understand it.. haha

well, there is no extraordinary thing that happen to me except i just bought myself a new tablet that is tab 3 8.0.. a year with my ipad 2 is enough for me to explore all the function and it's time to search something new,  let say like to feel the android experience in a tablet.. so far so good.. maybe a bit slow at first in using it, but yeah.. learn something new is my passion.. that kind of passion will make me kind of excited especially to customized it.. playing with launcher, apps kind of syok laa but for sure gaming is not one of them.. honestly for better gaming experience, ipad is far better than any other tablet in the market right now.. gaming is not one of the main purpose i bought this tablet.. i'm using tablet just to replace the laptop usage and with it size, just 8 inch, just nice to hold and just a sweet spot between 7 inch and 10 inch.. 

ipad maybe the best tablet with it most stable ios os on it, but yeah.. since 2~3 years there is no change while other tablet try to upgrading their operating system to the max.. and when it comes to change it, ios 7 is there and my opinions is just how android it is.. pull down menu, swipe up, multitasking is so android.. see how much effort does android put to upgrading their first android to this day android, jellybean..all i can say it's like 0 to hero.. hehe.. well, the first android is let say, a failure with it lags, not a multitasking friendly..but using jellybean on this tablet is well, change my expectation totally with android.. i just love android so much.. <3

ios 7? or....

>>>Android.. u,decide =)

* just a simple note.. one of the reason why android is at least for me the best operating system is when i watch ios 7 presentation recently, it show how arrogant apple are with their status.. arrogant people always make a mistake, too comfortable and make themselves static at making progress and just stop developing their product.. as examples, iphone 5c?? for me it's like an unsold iphone 5, just do simple changing on it, and puffff, new product to sale with 'reasonable' price.. =)


  1. pehh pehhh pehhhhh *sambil kelip kelip mata*

    Bokmai sini la ipad tu. kalau cheq nak beli memang tak laaaaa. haha

  2. ipad tu pun syg juga..
    beli la.. rege pun x mahal sgt.. nak2 nexus 7 nak sampai ni..


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